Conference poster: "openCost: The Road to Publication Cost Transparency – The Next Stage"

Welcome to the conference „openCost: The Road to Publication Cost Transparency – The Next Stage“

From October 7 to 9, the openCost project team is organizing the international conference “openCost: The Road to Publication Cost Transparency – The Next Stage” at the University of Regensburg, to which we cordially invite all interested parties.

To the event page


As part of the conference, the openCost team will present the results achieved as well as follow-up opportunities for the community.

The complete program will be published in the course of August, a preliminary program can be viewed here.

Workshop on October 7

The event will start on Monday, October 7 with a practical workshop for repository operators and system providers, where implementation options will be discussed. Based on a brief presentation of the implementation at institutions involved in the project, the focus will be on the questions of the participants.

Topics: EPrints, PUB, Invenio, EZB: interfaces, OpenAPC: harvesting

openCost Conference on October 8 and 9

The openCost conference will take place from Tuesday, October 8 to Wednesday, October 9, where the final openCost schema will be presented, among other things. Building on this, we will demonstrate workflows and implementations at the project partners as well as potentials for other institutions. The event will also focus on new functions of the Electronic Journals Library that have been developed as part of openCost and are intended to simplify processes in your institutions. The exchange of data from institutions that report publication costs to the library of Forschungszentrum Jülich and to OpenAPC as part of the DFG funding program “Open Access Publication Costs”, for example, and its implementation in the openCost format will also be discussed. In addition, knowledge about the conditions, contexts, administration and negotiation of transformative agreements will be deepened. All topics will be examined in their international facets and international perspectives on publication cost monitoring will be introduced. Both institution-specific and country-wide publication cost management as well as structures caused by research funding bodies are relevant.

The conference language will be English.

Keydates of the events

Title: openCost: The Road to Publication Cost Transparency – The Next Stage
Venue: University of Regensburg
Start/End Workshop: October 7, 2024, 2 p.m. til 7 p.m.
Start/End Conference: October 8, 2024, 9 a.m./October 9, 2024, 2p.m.
Conference Fee: 80 EUR (25 EUR Workshop/55 EUR Conference)


To the registration

The participation fee for the entire event is EUR 80, which is made up of the fees for the workshop (EUR 25) and the conference (EUR 55). Participation in only one of the two events is of course also possible.


Directions to the University of Regensburg, see link

Venue, see Map unter “Vielberth buildinge”


A contingent of hotel rooms is available for participants of the openCost conference until 19.9.2024 on the booking page of the hotels in Regensburg.

We look forward to welcoming you to Regensburg!