Lisa-Marie Stein (DESY L) presented the current status of the DFG project “openCost” at the renowned Geneva Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI13) organized by CERN and the University of Geneva, September 4th – 8th. The project attracted great interest amongst the international community and her poster was awarded with the second place at the poster competition (poster).

The poster gives an overview of how infrastructures built on openCost metadata can exchange data and reuse it in the broadest possible scenarios. In this picture, the cost data provided by decentralized data suppliers via OAI-PMH are collected and processed by aggregators such as OpenAPC and made available to other services via other openCost-based interfaces. The Electronic Journals Library is used as an example to show how these can then be used to enable cost transparency at the authors end.

Furthermore, the metadata schemas for article-fee based publications and a first version of the schema for (transformation) contracts are explained.

Finally, the presented “Alphabet of Publication Costs” gives hints for further usage scenarios of the openCost schemes beyond the current project context.