Since May 2023 new journal categories have been available in the EZB. As a result, many journals in the EZB now have new labels with the categories to which they are assigned. This function was implemented as part of openCost.

The assigned journal categories are an assignment via keyword that can refer to an Open Access license type or to a database in which the journal is listed. The categories can therefore be used as additional filter criteria and help to improve the data export of the EZB.

With the help of the new journal categories, an overview page on open access journals in philosophy has now been implemented on the website of the German Society for Philosophy (DGPhil) in collaboration with PD Dr. Nicola Mößner, member of the extended board of the DGPhil. The site is intended to provide easy access to philosophy journals in the various forms of Open Access. The automatic compilation of these journal lists by the EZB is carried out both by limiting the subject area and by filtering according to the corresponding journal categories “Indexed in DOAJ” and “Journal without APC”. Now the DGPhil can refer to various lists of open access journals in philosophy without having to maintain them manually.